U14 Coaches Invite
I would like to extend a formal invitation to all players interested in attending try outs for the Upper Ottawa Valley Aces U14 Team (2011 birth year) for the 2024-2025 hockey season.
Tryouts will begin in August this year.
August 18: 11:00am to 12:30pm PACC
August 20: 8:30pm to 10:00pm PACC
August 23: 6:30pm to 8:00pm PACC
August 27: 5:00 to 6:00pm Renfrew BEI
August 29: 8:30pm to 10:00pm Silver Dart
Please keep an eye on the schedule as possible exhibition games maybe added.
The players will be evaluated by myself, other non parent coaching staff and third party evaluators during each ice time. During the tryouts, players will be evaluated on the following:
1. Hockey skills and knowledge
2. Work ethic
3. Attitude and behavior
4. Ability to follow instructions
Players should be reminded that evaluations begin the moment they walk into the arena. The players will be observed on their behavior both on and off the ice. All I ask is that each player gives a full effort on the ice and listens when instructions are given.
If a player is not sure of any instruction, please ask any of the instructors on the ice. Myself, the coaching staff, and third party evaluators will be doing individual assessments during each ice time, and will not discuss any results with anyone outside of these individuals. Each player will be guaranteed 2 ice times. Previous players are not guarantee placement on this team and all players will be given equal consideration during the tryout process.
We are attending 3 out of town tournaments and 1 local tournaments.
October 4 – 6
Mississauga Early Bird Tournament
October 25 – 27
Peterborough Early Bird
November 15 - 17
Waterloo Memorial
January 3 – 5 Ottawa Winter Classic
Lastly, good luck and HAVE FUN!!! Looking forward to seeing all players show their skills and give it their best effort.
Nathan Latchford -
[email protected]
Head Coach