Sep 19, 2024 | Gerry LeBlanc | 1409 views
I would like to thank all the players who attended tryouts. It was super competitive with some very tough decisions made.
The following players were successful in making the U10 Upper Ottawa Valley Aces.
Duke Aalbers
Dax Beck
Alex Brennan
Cohen Clouthier
Casey Elliott
Evan Frost
Nash Galaski
Colton Gardner
Brysen Harrington
Garrett Harris
Harvey McGregor
Andrew O'Connor
Max Saucier
Nixon Sinden
Kroix Stewart
Noah Turtle
Blake Venne
I would like to thank every player for attending tryouts, and wish them the best in their upcoming season.
I ask that all U10 AA Aces parents send me an email to confirm they have seen this posting.
Gerry LeBlanc
[email protected]