Aug 23, 2022 | Todd Lesperance | 404 views
Coaches Letter
U15 Aces AA
Players I would like to extend an invitation to all
players interested in attending the try outs for the Upper Ottawa Aces U15 Team
(2008 Birth year) for this upcoming season 2022/23 season.
U15 Aces AA
2022.08.22 U15
Players I would like to extend an invitation to all players interested in attending the try outs for the Upper Ottawa Aces U15 Team (2008 Birth year) for this upcoming season 2022/23 season.
Tryouts are starting the long weekend in September, so please check the Aces web site for update or possible changes to the schedule.
The player’s evaluations will be done by myself and two non-parent evaluators, we have 5 days of tryouts with one of them being an exhibition game, Players are guaranteed 3 ice times.
Players should be reminded that evaluations begin the moment they walk into the arena. The players will be observed on their behavior both on and off the ice. All I ask is that each player gives a full effort on the ice and listens when instructions are given. If a player is not sure of any instruction, please ask any of the instructors on the ice.
We will be attending 4 tournaments this year:
Kawartha AA Early Bird Tournament (Peterborough) October 20-23,
2022 International Silver Stick (Pembroke) November 25-27,
2022 Kingston Canadians December 1-4, 2022
Oshawa Cup January 19-22, 2023
Looking forward to seeing all players in the coming weeks.
Good Luck to all and remember keep your stick on the Ice.
Todd Lesperance
Head Coach.
[email protected]