Frequently Asked Questions (Upper Ottawa Valley Aces)

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I am having troubles registering my player with the Aces and I have already registered him/her with their home association.

All players belong to their home association. Each year they are returned to their home association, even if they played outside of that association. To have them shared and receive access to register in HCR you must reach out to the registrar with your players name and DOB. Please ensure the name you are sending is the same name you used to create your players HCR account.

Where do I send payment once I have registered?

Payment is to be sent by e-transfer to [email protected]. Payment is due immediately upon registration. Please remember to put your players name and division your player is signed up for.

Is there a fee if I cancel my registration?

Yes, there is a $50 admin fee for cancelling except in the case of being registered for the Aces AA and Rep B Pilot program simultaneously.

My player would like to try out for the Aces AA program and if not successful for the Rep B Pilot program.  What should I do?

Essentially it is up to you. If you want to register for both the AA and Rep B program at the same time please do so. However, only pay the fee for the first tryout. If your player is successful at the AA level, then their registration in the Rep B program will be cancelled. If your player is not successful, you will then need to pay the second tryout fee.

Does my player have to tryout out for AA in order to try out for the Rep B Pilot Program?

No, if your player only wants to tryout for the Rep B pilot program, then that is where they should be registered. He/she does not have to tryout for the AA program first. 

Why do I have to pay for Rep B tryouts if my player doesn't make the Aces AA team?

These are different tryouts and each tryout consists of at least four ice sessions. Therefore you must pay for the Rep B tryouts if your player is not successful at the AA level.

Will I have to register my player for the Rep B tryouts if he/she is not succesful in the AA tryouts.

You will have one day to register your player on Spordle (HCR) and make your payment to ensure they can step on the ice for the Rep B tryouts.

Is there a deadline to register for Tryouts?

The deadline will be posted on the website. It will be 3 days before tryouts begin.

Does my player have to be registered with their home association prior to tryouts.

Your player MUST be registered with their home associaton, using the Aces/Titans $0 tab prior to stepping on the ice with the Aces/Rep B Pilot program. If they are not registered and we cannot have them shared and registered properly before the first ice time, then you run the risk of missing the first ice time.

Can I share my conditioning camp ice time with another player?

No, ice times cannot be shared.

How do I find out more about the coaches?

Each coach will have a coaches letter posted on their teams page.